Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Night De Castin Outer Heaven....

 We were on de mission targeting pelagic species this time...and what a start it was when i was hit by a resident Sweetlip or a Ikan Kaci there...
A closeup view of the 1.5kg Kaci..but, due to de expense of my cigarettes all getting wet..  
Surfcaster Hafiz was fightin de tug of war with a monster but it was not goin his way when the monster decided on a one way ticket, non stop, while peeling de line on his Abu6500 rendering to near botakness...We'll be back..for revenge...for sure..Tks 

Monday, 30 August 2010

Ramadan De Castin Cp 7

The thrill of surfcasting always generates huge joy of relaxation.
Hafiz, was ever so energetic and always eager to learn new fishing technics...thus, we would shared our knowledge together. 
My big-game set...
Can i take a picture with de Yu...? as Hafiz openes an account wt a 400g catch of a Ikan Yu..
The Ikan Yu was released back safely...into the warm and darkness of the water...
Hafiz, with his lucky big-game set, his trusted rodsaber, the 12'ft Penn Powergraph Surf...
The hardwoker fisher, Hafiz, with his 500g catch of a Ikan Kapas...
A close-up view of his catch...
We toil and worked hard till de morning but the big-game never did came..But, regardless of de outcome, we were adamant for the next hunt.. Tks...everyone for visiting our blog..Tight Lines.to you always.!

Monday, 9 August 2010

Back To Outer Heaven...

Our frantic surfcasting excursions were aiming only at big-game fishing. It was fast becoming like a kind of madness and not pleasure anymore. So, we decided to have a kind of relax fishing trip and, we visited my old fishing playground which i've not gone for almost 2years.  The Grouper being deep hooked..A 3.5kg Ikan Kerapu or Grouper posing with our Surfcaster Hafiz.The cigarette stick seems small compare wt the Grouper's head.Another candid shot of the catch.Me too, getting into the action wt a 1.5kg of Ikan Kaci or Sweetlips.Close view of my catch.A 800g Ikan Yu Bodoh was the day's end result n it was strictly released back. Tks for visiting our blog...

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Surfcasting De Low Rider In Cp 6

A session was arranged and we were very exited prior to this trip.  Hafiz and me posing with our rodsabers.Hafiz practising his low rider casting style.No big bites for today but no matter for us as we've worked hard for the day.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Peacock Bass Fiesta

My best fishing buddy of mine, who was a boat fishing speciallist.., Kelvin, was into the customisation of light luring rods now....and, what a good way to test his exquisite creation to the limits ...tussling with the Mamas Temensis. Below here are their pictures..