Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Life Still A Beach Pt 2

We mananged to surfcast today after a long layoff to surfcasting. N, upon reaching there, my sis, Alia, shows off her unique talent for anime drawing.

The weather was fine today but the tides were unfavourable to us....We were endlessly practising casting to improved ourselves..

Upon retrieving my line to check bait, a very tiny Angel fish was stuck to the hook..

Luckily for the fella, the hook was pierced through the top of his body..I released it carefully...and back to the water...

Alia, ready to hunt for smallies...

Alia wt her freshly caught Pasir2...freshly caught and ready for bait..Even the Buntal was hungry...

The Puffer fish, happily swimming for freedom after a brief free dinner. We had to call it a day cos of working commitments de next day...Tks for viewing...

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