The legendary Bro Rizan of the Singapore Sea Brothers in one of his many fishing excursions..He'd have my grandest salute of respect for a real hardcore..fisherman of his age...What i mean was, this guy breathes and lives for the love and passion for fishing...He's more gila pancing than i was when i am in my twenties...He's the true real deal seasoned fisherman....

Me, with, bro Salleh of Distance Surfcasting Group...He's a legend surfcasting speciallist and a seasoned fisherman.....Just to be able to watch him cast ...the right moments...swaying....the rod...either in pendullum or on the ground, then swingging, loading the rod at the right time was a very big learning experience for me...

Bro Isa of the Team Nelayan Inc, was a true fishing legend professional, always learning new tactics and rigs to improvised himself further into the arts of surfcasting...A humble and a seasoned hardcore fisherman..And, just by looking at his rigs was an eye opener for me...

Our fishing experiences, ghost-stories and some fishing politics were the topics throughout the night..By 5am, we called it a day, but nevertheless, we were in high spirits and happy together..for me, it was a grand gathering....peh...piao...