Tonight was like any other ordinary quest when we were suddenly disturbed...1st cast n then boom...1st hit...It was striked by de 1.5kg of Mr Kaci or Sweetlips. Just as i landed de fish, then, de unexplanable thing happened. So, me n Hafiz slowly pack up n move away from the spot thus deciding on other location..Casting lure til de early morning..n we called it a day.
Friday, 10 June 2011
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Night De Castin Cp6 - The Bulldozing Cat
Surfcaster Syed and Surfcaster Hafiz on duty today. The cold night came alive when, my Penn Long Range rod was in a bended doubled!. The ratched on my Daiwa SealineX30sha was screaming out loud as a monster had made off with the bait. I jumped up, forced the rod out from the stand and hit the hook home...when,..suddenly...!!!, The fish started bulldozing himself against me on an already tight drag. My 15lb line was being stripped to near emptiness. I was in awe and shocked by the brute force of the monster fish. I held on hoping to tired-slowed the creature down. After combating tug-of-war mode , i finally mananged turning the head of the fish. Now, i was in control as I'd steadily pumping it towards me, thus regaining my line back... At last, the battle was won and the fish was landed safely...all thanks to Hafiz.. 

Picture of me and the Ikan Duri or Catfish. Weighin in at a 8 kilos on the scale. Casting far with a pendullum style technic proved to be lethal...Rod used was a remodified 13'2ft Penn Long Range paired with a Daiwa SealineX 30sha. I had to lower the line poundage and had used a 0.30mm diameter Xzorga line to be able to hit the horizon with most of my casts. 
The Ikan Duri was denied entry into my 16quart Coleman icebox...I had fogotten to bring my butcher knife..So, i had to go back home to store and freeze the fish and thus returned back here again to rejoin my kaki, Hafiz...The next day, the fish was then sliced into two pieces, one for Hafiz and one for my mum..
The next day in my mum was cooking the deliciously assam pedas with the fresh Ikan Duri....

The end result, and it was the best assam pedas i've ever eaten. Two Thumbs Up...!!!Sedap..!
Tks for visiting my blog, we greatfully thanked the famed Bro Isa of Team Nelayan Inc for all his expertise, experience, knowledge and guidence shared with us and wished all fello Surfcasters out there never to give up...Tight Lines and Screaming Reels Always...

Wednesday, 16 February 2011
The Excellent Of Execution...
The art of being a surfcaster was based on having a single minded approach to accomplish the impossible. Iam sure Bro Isa was a natural orang laut stuck in this era of time. He was having a resolute patience mind for monsters and always improvised his rigs and tactics. He's also an accomplish distance caster armed with Neil Mackellow's pendullum style of casting. This time, his efforts was duly rewarded with a hit by a monster 10kg Ikan Pari Lalat or Spotted Stingray. It was his second monster stingray in a month. Me, myself and my team congratulate him on his feat and wishing tight lines and screaming reels always toTeam Nelayan Inc and to all fello Surcasters out there...Tks...Salam...
Saturday, 8 January 2011
The Real Deal Surfcaster...
What a start to score early into de new year...The famed bro Isa of Team Nelayan Inc caught a 15kilos Stingray at noon Cp7. The monster gave him a real workout....before being landed. He's using his trusted Zziplex M4 paired with Daiwa GrandwaveZ 30 to tamed the monster. He's also using his perfected pully rig, thus casting the pendullum Neil Mackellow style of swinging. My team congratulate him on his feat. Me n my team are proud to be Surfcasters and we love to Surfcast...
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